Tuesday 8 February 2011

Front cover 1st draft

This is my first and second draft of my front cover. In the first draft I applied my colour scheme of black, white and red, however I found that by having a white background It made it look quite boring and plain. Which is why I decided to swap the colours around and have a black background with white and red writing on that. I found that it made the red S's stand out more,which was my intention by having them in different colours. However in my next draft I may try having my main picture as the background, but am worried it may make it look too busy.
I have tried to use as many front cover magazine factors on my own cover as possible, including a masthead, banner, cover line and a main picture. I chose this picture because I wanted it to feel inviting and friendly which I feel is important if trying to sell a magazine. The font I have used is in serif, as many of the other magazines I looked at were, however it also looks attractive and would be found enticing by young people, who are my target audience.
In my next few drafts I will maybe put some more pictures on the cover and add one or two more cover lines. I also feel I need to mention something about the Rajko concert as that was one of the main topics people wanted to hear about in my magazine.

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