Thursday 7 April 2011

New front cover design

Having continued with my front cover, I felt that the quality of my picture,and the layout of my magazine was poor. It did not have the desired effect and the cover lines did not look very interesting and eye catching. I also found that the colour scheme of my magazine was not very eye catching which had a bad effect on the entire front cover and contents pages layout. I felt that by using Adobe premier, it made my picture blotchy and the cut out around the edge was poor. I also felt that although I did really like having the Masthead behind the model as a couple of other magazines I looked at had done, My magazine name was not well known and therefore I felt that i should try to show the masthead off and make it more clear.
Therefore I began a new front cover and hoped that it would look better and more effective. Before this I also looked at the examples of other magazines and looked at the use of colour schemes throughout their magazines and which were the most popular. I really liked 'Q' magazine's colour scheme of Red, White and Black, which I had also looked at in my preliminary task.
This is what I have produced so far for my front cover and I feel that although it is simple, I feel it is effective and looks eye catching-
I do not feel there are many more things I can add to this front cover, however I have noticed that a number of things need to be moved, for example 'Christie Montoya' needs to be moved over as the 'ri' cannot be seen. I think that the new colour scheme, new picture and new layout work well together and the magazine looks much more professional.
I will now explain what programmes I used, and how I created this new front cover.
Using Adobe Photo shop I was able to use the cut out tool which cut around my model and this then enabled me to remove the background and edit the background into a more appealing background as apposed to the green screen. Using a background effect I was able to control the colour of the background, the angle the colour layed at and also how high or low the colour was.
Using publisher I designed the layout of the magazine, I inserted shapes lines to break up the magazine as I saw that that was also what a number of magazines did and this made my magazine look more professional.
I have used a number of different fonts and styles including italics and bold to help different parts of the magazine stand out and more important things be seen clearer. I also used different fonts for different parts of the magazine.
I now need to edit small parts of the magazine which will help it to look clearer.

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