Monday 2 May 2011

Double Page spread

This is my double page spread I created after looking at a number of other examples. I found that many other magazines used an interview format for their double page spreads, but I however felt that it may be a good idea to write an article instead. Using informal chatty language I thought I would be able to attract an audience much easier than I would with an interview. I made my article using a real life situation which I felt would be a good way to keep the reader interested in the story that they are being told. It is also informative as it tells the reader what they may wish to know about the artist. I also tried to stay with the same colour scheme of red white and black as it is a major part of the magazine and it helped to show the relation between each part. I feel that my image is a bit too stretched and the image looks slightly out of place.
Then when talking to my focus group they told me that they found the layout of the text was hard to read, therefore I should try to find a way of breaking it up, so that the words aren't so close together, this may also make the page look neater.

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