Tuesday 1 March 2011

Contents Page- FINAL DRAFT

After sitting down and showing my previous front cover to a focus group I received a number of comments on what was right and what was wrong with my magazine front cover, I then later went back and looked and my cover and decided to change and edit the following; I realised that just the two pictures looked very plain and that I needed to add more as it would give the readers more of an example of what my magazine is about and what it would contain, and having been inspired by one of my examples I found I chose to do the three over-laying wonky pictures. I felt that it looked more fun and also related to my cover lines to their left. 
I also felt that it was in need of some more colour which is when I decided to change the colour of my page numbers and the cover line, when doing this I also felt that they needed to be broken up some more which is why I chose to have the main cover lines Bold  and the explanation text in italics.
Next I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to try and link my front cover to my contents page which is why I put the red and white banners along the top and left hand side.
 Not only that but I also thought that as i had previously written ' Sheb's Sixth Sense' with each 'S' in red, I could make that a type of logo and people would recognise it and would be linked with my magazine, which is why it is at the top of my contents page too.
I chose to stick to my colour scheme of black, white and red as again it is a type of branding for my magazine and when targeting it at my target audience they would easily remember ' Sheb's Sixth Sense'

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