Sunday 6 March 2011

Ideas for my music magazine- Front cover.

From researching how music magazine front covers are laid out I now have some great ideas on the genre of my magazine, the lay-out and my target audience. I now need to compare all of my ideas and then come up with colour scheme, images, fonts and a music artist.
I have decided on a genre for my music magazine and I am going to do it on pop/dance. I think that I will be able to take some great pictures on my music artist and will be able to come up with some great questions for my interview for the double page spread. I also like listening to pop/dance music and this will give me some knowledge on the types of things that my readers will be interested in.

I have noticed that the 'Billboard' magazines have their masthead along the top and the a MCU (medium close up) of their music artist, who's head is usually within the masthead. As many of the magazines I looked at have done this I have noticed that it is clearly a very popular way of advertising and laying out. Therefore  I intend to do the same type of thing on my own magazine.
I will only use one picture on my front cover as it will make that one image stand out and people will be attracted to that image and hopefuly want to see more images of my artist.

The magazine's such as 'Billboard' Vibe' and 'Blender' have cover lines then with either a small piece of explanation text below it. These two pieces of text are usually in a different font which helps each one to stand out against the other. These cover lines are there to get the reader's attention and make them want to carry on looking into the magazine to read the full article. Therefore I must ensure that my own cover lines are short and catchy where my readers will want to continue reading the magazine. The font of my masthead and cover lines is very important too as it needs to be simple enough to read yet attractive enough for people to feel intised by it and it must also relate the my genre of music.

Colour scheme
Right now i'm unsure on what colours I should use for my colour scheme. I want to keep it simple, yes i want the colours to stand out again eachother. I think that I will need atleast 3 colours, 1 for the background colour, then two for alternating colours for cover lines and the masthead as the other magaziens such as 'Bollboard and 'Blender' do this in their front covers. These are some ideas for my colour schemes;
White- Blue- Pink
Blue- Brown- purple
Grey- Pink-Black
Grey-Blue- Black
As I am unsure how each colour scheme will look when it is down as a front cover, I think i will need to create my front cover then apply each of these colour schemes to it and see which one loooks best, then show this to my focus group and decide which one will look the best.

Now I need to focus on the layout of my magazine, to do that I need to take some pictures of my music artist, chose a definate font, colour scheme and then think of some catchy cover lines.

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