Sunday 20 March 2011

Editing cont.

Continuing with editing my picture I decided that I wanted to the background to be white, however to do this I had to go through a number of procedures.

1. Upload my picture onto Adobe premiere, where I then applied the green screen effect, this changed the background to black (As shown on the previous post)
2. The I found a plain white background, which I also uploaded to the application.
3.Using the video time-line I was able to layer my two pictures which would eventually change the background to white.

However as you can see this affected the eyes of the picture where they turned white with the background. So to change this I had to remove the white background and think again about a different colour background to use. I went through a number of different colours to see if any of them would not affect the eyes. Eventually I found a purple-blue background which not only looked suitable but it also affected the eyes in a positive way, it made the eyes turn a nice colour and made them look much more striking.
This is my final picture for my front cover and what I intended to use as the background of my magazine.

When decided on the name of my font cover I could then edit in the Masthead of my magazine. I thought that I could simply add a text box and that would work well, however i then remembered that I wanted the masthead to be slightly behind the head of my picture as that is what the other examples of magazines I had looked at do and i think that it looked very professional. Therefore I tried this and found that as my picture was edited in layering with the background, I was unable to put the text behind the head. With that I decided to go back and edit the masthead into the background using paint and save that as my desired background, then eventually with lots of editing and moving I was able to then layer the picture on top of the masthead and picture. With the final picture looking as followed.

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