Tuesday 1 March 2011

First draft of my Contents Page

This is my first draft at my contents page. I tried to stick to my original plan by which I do not make it look too busy. I tried to kept it quite simple- but by doing this think that it may look slightly boring. To make it seem more attractive I think I need to add some more colour into it- possibly my other main colour which is red, and could also maybe add in another picture.
 Another thing I did not do was add in the two banners along the top and down the left hand side, I think that by doing this it will show a link between my contents page and front cover.
 I have chosen to put my main cover lines in Italics which helps to differentiate between the cover lines and explanation text. 
Finally with my pictures I tried to use pictures that relate to the cover lines- For example, where i have spoken about sporting fixtures, I put a sporting picture in next to it, then when I said Exclusive pictures of the Rajko concert, i have put a small picture in which is aimed to make my audience want to carry on looking.

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